quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2010


Aah...Videogames! The sweet dimensions of groups of pixels that form a hot character and beautifull backgrounds and violence whereever you look...

Then the worse happens. Addiction.

Consequences are, in case if you're someone ACTUALLY important and are good at SOMETHING...

First is, you start to lose communication with your closest friends, the decent people you met from the internet, reality, that aren't so addicted to videogames as YOU...

Then, you start losing your talent, for example, you stop drawing(or not, some people I know still draw, which is good, keep on doing that), your technique starts to get sloppy and your drawings ain't the same they were.

Next is you only DO THAT.

Folks, if you play world of warcraft, in moderate times, good for you, you found a time killer.

But hear me. DO NOT. GET. ADDICTED TO THAT GAME. World of Warcraft takes your fucking soul!!!

People that become too addicted to videogames like WoW usually lose their lives and interests to it, and when they're not playing everything else just seems boring.

Newsflash: Life has a lot more to it than you think.

Search for old friends, make new ones! Pack up your feelings and worries, do your homework if needed(un-applied to writer)!

Life is beautifull, so get up from that chair and go do something, play guitar, read a book, draw anywhere you'd like(even in walls if allowed!), go out with your friends, listen to the bands you once liked lots, and followed each of their steps of development!

Spread the word.
William, Over and out.

domingo, 28 de março de 2010

Slow People.

Ok, this is really getting old...what the heck is wrong with you people?!

I admit that I made mistakes, some big some small, and some bad. I hurt a few people yes, but for the following seconds after I did that, I have good friends here to cheer me up, because I always blame myself because of it, and I get depressed.

But let's put that aside.

What REALLY pisses me off, is the fact that about a week later, the friend of the person I unfortunately hurt, and which we worked things out, starts asking about the subject. Last time that happened to me I nearly snapped and said I wasn't to hear that shit especially from that person. This one was different, well that person happened to accept my decision and I'm glad.

What REALLY annoys me, is people that keep nagging about that subject and never seem to shut the fuck up!! It's fucking annoying!! They remind you of EVERY fucking detail, every single feeling!!

This is where solutions come in, IF you're a male follower of this blog...

1. Talk to that person calmly, explain that it wasn't your intention(unless if you're a fucking asshole that is), and that you felt even worse by doing that, you talked to the unforunate victim and it's all fixed.
2.If number one doesn't work do it with simple words and curse words along.

God people, shut the fuck up!

Peace out.

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

Minha introdução e razão pelo qual estou a começar isto...

A principal razão de este blogue e provavelmente porque não consegui fazer log in ao site, e de sem querer registei-me a pensar que era só uma conta...mas pronto. Agora que esta feito...

Este blogue geralmente vai ser, sobre temas múltiplos, onde incluo bastante a minha opinião. (logo, já sabem a razão do título...)

Até agora não há grandes temas, e existe falta de razões para continuar a escrever no momento. Adeus.

P.S: Vou escrever traduções de algumas páginas em inglês, para quem...queira visitar, e quando tiver a paciência.