domingo, 2 de maio de 2010

The Choking game,

The choking game. The most ridiculous and stupid way for a human teenager to reach out for the euphorical "high".

First of all, I edited this post to enlighten people on what it is, instead of only to express my anger upon it.

In case you don't know, the choking game is not a game AT ALL, but a way to get high by cutting the oxygen flow to the brain, which in exchange makes you feel lightheaded, like you were about to pass out. It is NOT. SAFE. It kills your braincells, and it can cause permanent brain damage. I am seeing right now reports, and news upon kids that TRIED this thing(not very sure, but it talks a lot about it), now they are mentally challanged and their sibblings suffer a lot because of it. Most are reported as suicides, and I'm not giving a lecture here.l Stop doing it. do ACTUAL drugs. You may get caught but to hell with it. It's better than winding up dead. I have more to do than drugs, and drinking maybe a thing slighty less dangerous, unless you're a complete dumbass and get drunk all the time. Well in that case stop or be stubborn and addictive and go die elsewhere until you admit you need help. Seriously, I'd rather do fucking marijuana than to choke myself. I MAY be suicidal, but something tells me that I have a lot to live for. Something yet comes, don't waste your time on this bullshit.

Wolfgang, Over and out.

P.S: Já agora, uma mensagem para os tugas que lêm isto, aqui têm o blogue do meu irmão mais velho. Ele até é engraçado, e imita um bocado o Ray William Johnson, Mas no seu próprio sentido. É um Ray William Johnson Tuga.